Saturday, April 09, 2005

Two down, one to go

I submitted my final paper for manacct last Thursday and I think, successfully answered the questions that my professor posed.

Morever, we also managed to successfully present our final paper in prodman. Not only that, I got a freaking 100% in my midterms!!! I was so surprised when I got my midterms exam. Well to be honest, it was not 100%. I got 106/100 :D Hehehe.

Sorry, I could not help but brag about this. This subject was such a killer. Nevertheless, the professor was the best (for me and my SO's). I felt that I got my money's worth this term because of him. He is SO practical and his tips are indeed very helpful. He encourages, no, FORCES the student to think. It was so difficult at first since his class is 830 in the morning on a Saturday. Half of the class population are still asleep and it was a challenge for him to keep us awake. But he managed to do that (well, I think he did).

He poses questions which would really make you think. The best one that he gave us, which we still can't answer, was what was the purpose of the that table/divider between the teller and the customer at the bank. He shot down all our answers (security, convenience) with other questions. The lesson here is that he wants us to question everything that comes to us. We should not accept "it's the standard" or "as per (fill in the blank) regulation" anwers. He taught us to ask "WHY"?!

Come to think of it, it's a really practical lesson. All our school life (even up to now), we were taught to think that this is the way things done so you should follow it. We were never taught or encouraged to think outside the box. Maybe because people are so wary of the upheaval that any change will bring.

I will really miss him and his out-of-this-world questions. I wish other professors will be like him. He inspired me to REALLY think and to aspire to be better.

Oh, and did I mention that I'm the class president. Hehe :)